Juvenile Training Schedules

Juvenile Training Schedules


Current Club Training for Juvenile Athletes, aged 8 to 18, and Little Athletics for 5-7 year olds.

For all athletes born 2010 to 2017:

Monday at 7:15-8:15PM, Crescent College Comp, Raheen.

Thursday at 7:30-8:30PM, Crescent College Comp, Raheen.

There is a charge of €2 per night at the Crescent Comp to cover the cost of the facility.

Saturday at 9AM, UL Athletics Track.


For older athletes, born 2009 or older

Tuesday:  UL Track 7:15PM
Thursday:   UL Track 7:15PM

Current age categories and year of birth are shown below.  Any child born 2016 or earlier can currently join and train with the club.  Children born in 2017 can also join now, but cannot compete until 2025.










Middle-distance group training
Tuesdays at 7:15-8:30pm UL Track
Thursdays at 7:15-8:15pm Mungret Park or Crescent Comprehensive
Saturdays at 9-10:15am UL Track
For runners aged 14+ training for XC season and distances 800m-3000m indoors/outdoors
Little Athletics runs in blocks of 8 weeks (May-July and Sept-Oct) and is open for all your Little Minions (aged 5-7 years), taking place on UL Track on Sunday morning at 9AM.

Little Athletics may return later in September.