2023 Adare 10k
Well done to everyone that participated in the Adare 10km on Sunday. Conditions were great for running. Although some wind, the sunny, dry weather made for some great times. First team for the Dooneen Women and second for the Dooneen men.
The men’s top 3 were: William Maunswell -Clonmel AC, Niall Shanahan-An Brú, John Kinsella- Bilboa AC.
In the women’s race, Íde Nic Dhomhnaill of West Limerick AC was 1st and broke the female course record, followed by Mary Mulherne-Portlaoise AC and Kate McDonald of Ballyroan Abbeyleix District AC.
In the men’s team events: 1st West Limerick AC, 2nd: Dooneen AC, 3rd: Mallow AC.
In the women’s; 1st: Dooneen AC, 2nd: West Limerick AC, 3rd: Mallow AC. Well done everyone

Thanks to all the organising committees and marshals West Limerick AC for hosting another fabulous event.